18 February 2010

What Next?

Yesterday's book club was one of much thought-provoking conversation.   I always enjoy our meetings and get so much more out of the book by talking with all of you.  So thanks to everyone who was able to make it (even if only by speakerphone).

We didn't decide on the next book yet.  We thought it'd be nice to let everyone offer their opinions and take a vote.  So in the comment section of this post (which is the little number in the right hand corner, across of the post title), let us know what book you'd like.  You have until Friday, tomorrow, then we'll vote.


  1. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

  2. The Wednesday Sisters: A Novel
    by Meg Waite Clayton

    The Next Thing on My List: A Novel
    by Jill Smolinski

  3. I have The Wednesday Sisters and am reading it now. I like her style. It's definitely a departure our previous choices.

    Other recommendations from other book club friends:
    a mercy - Toni Morrison (lots to discuss)
    Interpreter of Maladies-Jhumpa Lahirt(short stories)

    Books I've done with Peoria Reads, a city-wide book club done once a year:
    Night - Eli Weisel
    A Lesson Before Dying - Ernest Gaines
    The Great Gatsby -

    Other books I liked:
    Sarah's Key (You'll cry - it's heartbreaking)
    The Time Traveler's Wife
    Jodi Picoult books - any and all- Perhaps I'd recommend Nineteen Minutes first.
    The Color of Water (a black man's tribute to his white mother)

    I should have more recommendations before we vote tomorrow. But if I can only recommend one book, it would be. . . . let me think about it. I'll post tomorrow.

  4. I voted! I could go for any of these, especially the top three. I've never heard about the 4th and I've already read The Lovely Bones.


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